1 | Description

As a tenancy is typically configured to service an organisation who will use it to define applications and solutions, the Company area of System Setup provides for the definition of organisation specific values such as the company name, when the financial year for the company starts, default locale to be used and so forth.  There are four key areas that can be defined:

  1. Company Profile - includes general information about the company plus any default preferences relating to time zone, currency and locale.
  2. Business Hours View - ability to define the typical working hours for users on a weekday basis.
  3. Holidays - allows definition of specific days in the current/future year where users/staff will be away due to a public holiday or event.
  4. Password Policy - allows for the defining of the strictness of the password policy that users must follow.

2 | Steps

Accessing the functions to define any of the four areas above can be done using the left hand navigation menu or right information pane once you have logged into System Setup:

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