1 | Description

As one or more users can be assigned to a role and in the instance where one or more roles contains lists of users who all share a common trait, rather than have to write business rules to cater for all the different roles - or have to create another role simply to aggregate all these users - you can instead create a group then assign roles.  That way, all the users in the role(s) automatically become part of the one group which is easier to accommodate when coding solutions.

2 | Steps

  1. Navigate to User Management > Groups to locate the group you wish to assign one or more roles to:

  2. There are two ways to open the tab that allows you to select which roles are assigned to the group:
    1. Click on the Roles icon to the left of the group name:

    2. Click on the blue hyperlinked name of the group and select the Group Roles tab:

  3. The Group Roles tab will show all roles across the various solutions within the tenancy on the left, with any roles already assigned to the group on the right.  To add one or more roles to the group, click on the Edit button:

  4. Use the right and double right arrows to move one or more roles from the left side to the right side:

  5. Vice versa, to remove roles from the group use the left  and double left  arrows:

  6. Click Save when done or Cancel to exit without saving.
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